Friday 21 June 2013

Paddling pool

Who would have thought we were in Scotland?  But yes, you are seeing correctly.  We are in our lovely neighbours' paddling pool in our back garden!  It was a super sunny day yesterday so we enjoyed an impromptu dinner outside along with some great fun splashing around.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Painting the boys' room

Josh: My brother and I now have a very boy-ish room - it is all blue! Of course I couldn't resist being in on the action and let some of my artistic flare loose on the walls.

Anyone for Mario Kart?

We got out the Mario Kart and let the boys have a go for the first time recently.  Noah was so overwhelmed with excitement he fell over ;)  And Josh liked driving his car the wrong way round the track... or in circles... Give it a few years - they'll be lapping us in no time!


Josh had his first civil engineering lesson with daddy - Duplo skyscrapers!

Friday 22 February 2013

Snippets of Josh

With one toddler full of enthusiasm for life and a wee bro fast catching on, there is never a dull moment in the Dickson household! We have put together a little montage of some of the things Josh has been up to recently for you to enjoy. Noah montage to follow...

Thursday 14 February 2013

Happy 6 months, Noah!

Noah: Wow, I made it to my first age milestone! Just flown by!! And look at me now. Playing with my big bro. We're having a little chat.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Macaroni Pony and a chat with Noah

Josh: My baby brother has been very busy learning lots of things recently. He has been trying really hard to sit up and crawl, been rolling across the lounge, grabbing everything in sight (and trying to eat it), and discovering food! He was being very chatter at dinner tonight.

We were trying to guess what he was saying. Perhaps he was talking about the mass of sweet potato he had just eaten and the half baby rusk he just managed to feed himself. Or perhaps he was talking about the cars of mine he likes to pick up and chew (I like to bring him toys to play with, getting pro at sharing). Daddy or mommy need to check afterwards that the wheels are still all in place... Or perhaps he is thanking grandma and grandpa for the very cute outfit he is wearing, which is the next size up but fitting nicely already! Or perhaps he is chatting about his macaroni pony ride on mommy's lap earlier:

All these busy, happy, exciting things going on.  Me and my bro, we like keeping mommy and daddy on their toes!